Unlocking the Power of Logotherapy:

Get Your Questions Answered

Are you curious about Logotherapy and how it can transform your life? We’re here to help you find the answers you seek.

Book Your Exclusive 20-Minute Session with Dr. Batya Yaniger

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Have Questions? We Have Answers!

At International Logotherapy Institute of Israel we understand that exploring the world of Logotherapy can raise questions. That’s why we’re offering you an exclusive opportunity to schedule a one-on-one 20-minute session with Dr. Batya Yaniger.

Insightful Answers

Get personalized answers to your burning questions about Logotherapy.

Explore Your Journey

Discover how Logotherapy can help you on your path to meaning and purpose.

Meet Our Expert

Connect with Dr. Batya Yaniger, a renowned authority in the field.

Meet the Director

Batya Yaniger, PsyD

Dr. Batya Yaniger, the founder of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy in Israel, is a distinguished Logotherapist and senior trainer known for her transformative contributions to the field. With a wealth of experience in private practice, she has helped countless individuals find solace and meaning in their lives. Dr. Yaniger earned her Clinical Diplomate in Logotherapy from the prestigious Viktor Frankl Institute in the U.S., complementing her Doctorate in Psychology from California Coast University. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Loyola University in Chicago and licensed as a social worker in Israel.

Her multidimensional expertise provides a comprehensive understanding of the human condition. Dr. Yaniger’s down-to-earth approach resonates deeply with those yearning to cultivate self-trust and embrace life fully. As an accomplished facilitator, she conducts workshops, imparts her wisdom through teaching, and provides invaluable supervision to Logotherapy students, perpetuating the profound legacy of Viktor Frankl.

Your Journey to Meaning Begins Here

Don’t let doubts hold you back. Take this opportunity to demystify Logotherapy and embark on a transformative journey toward a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Limited Sessions Available – Book Yours Today!

Discover the In-Depth Syllabus of Our Advanced Course

Ready to embark on a journey of profound discovery and transformation? Dive deep into the intricacies of Logotherapy with our detailed syllabus for the Advanced Course. Unveil the secrets behind Logotherapeutic listening, Socratic Dialogues, and practical applications in mental well-being.

Advanced Syllabus Lead Magnet